Our mission

🌟 Sharing the Joy We believe that running is more than just a physical activity; it’s a lifestyle. That’s why we’re passionate about sharing our love for the sport. As volunteer Pacers in races across the U.S., We’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact running has on people. It’s not just about the miles; it’s about the friendships, the mental clarity, and the sense of accomplishment.

Our inspiration

🚗 License Plate Frames Have you ever noticed those standard license plate frames on cars? They’re like mini billboards, advertising the dealership. But what if we could turn those frames into something more personal? That’s where MarathonTags comes in. We’ve created custom runner license plate frames – a way for you to showcase your running achievements proudly. Whether it’s your first 5k or your 50th marathon, let your license plate tell your story.

Paris Marathon
Paris Marathon


My journey began with a love for running. From my very first 10k race at the age of 12, I’ve been hooked. Over the past 43 years, I’ve completed more than 70 marathons across 39 unique states and countries. Running isn’t just a hobby; it’s a way of life. The thrill of crossing that finish line, the camaraderie with fellow runners, and the sheer joy of pushing my limits – it’s all part of the magic.

Rome Marathon
Rome Marathon


From the age of 13, I’ve always had a passion for fitness. Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in various sports—swimming, volleyball, tennis, and powerlifting. During my intense powerlifting phase, I was able to squat 295 lbs, deadlift 285 lbs, and bench 165 lbs. Recently, I’ve transitioned to long-distance running, conquering races from 5Ks to marathons. Having completed three marathons, I now strive for a harmonious balance between running and lifting.